Monday, September 7, 2009

Organising and Decision Making

Now we've come to the 'pointy' end of our building project. Plaster is finished, and we're trying to work through the timber floors, kitchen, paint colour (and undercoat), ordering doors, cabinetry, skirting boards and architraves. All at once! Eeeep. Thank god for being able to make decisions pretty quickly, and for good friends offering to help at our painting 'party'! Colours are pretty much decided, now just to buy a couple of sample pots and paint up some of the left over plasterboard to see how the colours look in the house. Fantastic! The hole in the floor is filled in now, and the verandah post holes at the front of the house also are full of concrete and ready for posts. No photos yet, sorry... will take the camera tomorrow for some pics. And not forgetting that at some point we have to sell our current house... so tomorrow morning will be dedicated to 'de-cluttering' and preparing for a bit of painting, and getting it ready for sale. Hopefully will have this house on the market in the next month. Afternoon will be more painting at the new house. Photos to follow sooooon!

1 comment:

  1. hey melly, nice to see your place moving along. Ours is a week or two behind yours... Can't wait to see your pics. I went down to our place the other day and the camera ran out of battery as soon as I got there !! bumma... I wanted to relive the plastering at home... haha
