Thursday, August 27, 2009
Kitchen Bench update
Well after much deliberation we've decided that we actually can't move/change the bench configuration as it changes the kitchen too much and will make it very uncomfortable to work in. So we're having to go with option 2 (the 'not an option' option) - grinding out the concrete and putting a bend in the pipes. Met with Jnr on site today and Bikeman is going to do the grinding, Jnr will take care of plumbing. Grrr painful! Never mind it will be worth it in the end....
On a positive note, the cornices are nearly completed (just the sanding to go), and the bricks have been cleaned. Blast dude (Brick cleaner) was very complimentary regarding the job JM (Brickie) did, which was nice to hear. Of course he said how BIG the house was so had to do it over 2 days. Pffft! Garage Roller Door definitely coming Friday (woo hoo!). Keep em coming....
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Kitchen Site Measure
Today, I met Mr Kitchen out on site to talk about our plans. All went pretty well, apart from a few cupboards needed to be bigger/smaller/different size compared to original quote (to be expected). Some of the spaces for the cupboards weren't a minimum 600mm, eeeep but oh well they can be 'trimmed down' to fit according to Mr Kitchen. Costs a little extra but not too bad. Better than hanging over a door or a window!
Then the bombshell.... waste and power are in totally the wrong place for the L-shaped bench. OH MY GOD (freak out .... stay calm.....) and it is going to mean that we can't have the full bottom of the L (in the below picture would go from right to left) as there wouldn't be room to move around in the kitchen. OH MY GOD. Not sure how it happened, but it did. Option 1: smaller cupboard (400mm instead of 800mm L), waste has to be cut down to kicker level and run to back of cupboard (currently sitting at front of cupboard). Option 2: Grind out concrete to move waste pipes back to correct position (not an option - waffle slab - and too costly!) Option 3: no L, just a normal bench. This might be the option we take up. Ok not a disaster but disappointing!!! It could have been worse... it could have been right in the middle of the floor with no hope of hiding. Thank goodness for small mercies eh. Yeah.

Anyway everything else went ok and we are able to get the laminex colours we want - mocha for base cupboards and angora for overhead. It will look beautiful in the end, no matter what happens with the bench. It's just a bench!!!
We're now waiting for the plumber to fit the bath, then the chippie will lay the timbers to hold it up ready for tiling. Have to choose tiles soon - we pretty much know what we want, what size etc, just have to find them. Plasterers should be finished this week, I would think. Bricks are being blasted tomorrow and then garage door being installed Friday. Can't wait for that! Although we need a driveway to be able to get into it first.... that will happen when the weather settles down a bit. Moving along at a nice, steady pace now....
Monday, August 24, 2009
Movin Right Along (doog-a-doog doog-a-doog).... Footloose and Fancy Free....
Bonus points for those who can pick the song... for some reason it seemed fitting for this post!
Well we are moving along - little jobs are getting done and are all part of the big picture! Over the last couple of weekends Bikeman and I finished the eaves (and we worked together nicely, I might add...) and they look very professional, if I do say so myself! We also did the following:
Bikeman constructed this little gem for above the laundry door. Don't be scared now, that's not the colour or even the finish for that matter that it will end up - it will have cement sheeting (which will then be painted) over the top, to stop any moisture getting in above the door. Clever, huh??
Here you can see our lovely, straight, eaves. Noice! Erected with a minimum of fuss following Bikeman's expert nogginy things to attach them to. He worked out that using the bundle of joy again (aka nail gun) made the job easier, so that always keeps him happy!
Voids in showers - kids bathroom and ensuite. Unfortunately we remembered just after they'd plastered the rooms but Plaster Bossman was happy for us to rip into the plaster and create them. Another 'Bikeman creation' - do you know how hard it is to place a box into a hole without dropping it down into the cavity?? Not to mention it has to be square... got there eventually with some careful engineering!
So next on the agenda: kitchen site measure, brick cleaning, garage roller door installation, painting!! We'll be painting the weekend of 12/13 September so if you are prepared to don your painting pants and come along and have a bit of fun we'd love to see you and would appreciate any help you might be able to give.

Sunday, August 16, 2009
Isn't the water supposed to be OUTSIDE the house??
Following the fierce winds and spectacular storm overnight and during the morning today, we thought it best to inspect the house to make sure it hadn't slid down the hill (you should have seen the kids faces when I said that - they nearly died! Had to explain it couldn't really)...
Anyway, I had been suspicious that a couple of window sills had been leaking a little so wanted to check them out. One of the ones I was worried about was fine, but there were several others not so good and one leak that appeared to be coming from the roof, in Pink's room. So we'll get Mr Roofer and the window people out this week to have a look and see what is going on.
Pinks room: a small but significant line of water running from the ceiling somewhere (Bikeman climbed up for a look but was unable to find anything else wet or where it might be coming from), resulting in a small puddle of water at the base of the wall.

Saturday, August 15, 2009
What do kids do to keep themselves amused at the house?

They create. In this instance, Blue found a box of clouts on the alfresco concreted area and decided that he'd try his hand at some art. And it ended up this amazingly wonderfully creative scene of an elephant with a banana in its mouth, and Blue standing on top of the elephant saying 'Yahoo'. And Pink standing to the right (and these are Blue's words) saying "(Blue), get down off that elephant!" (Hmm yes I can imagine both of those things happening in real life, too!) Oh, and the pile of clouts to the left is actually a pile of bananas for the elephant. Amazing imagination! Who said you need to spend money on expensive toys anyway??
More plastering photos....
Thursday, August 13, 2009
We have walls!!!
The plasterers have been working hard again and we have most of our walls in place. As you can see from the below picture, only 1/2 of the garage roof is on, and 1/2 way up the entrance hallway has been put up. But the rest of the house mostly has the ceiling and wall boards in (still plenty to go - the taping and the cornices for a start!).
From the rumpus room looking back towards the dining room:
Pink's room
Blue's room
Laundry (note the door now has door handles :))

The loooooong hallway, which looks quite dark now without all the extra light. Love the window at the end though, we saw that in a display home and thought that was a great idea and built it into our design.
In the family area looking out towards the alfresco area.
The theatre room (surrounded by 'soundboard' to stop all that excess booming!)

And so it continues.... I can tell you we're very glad to not be undertaking this bit of the journey! Best left to the professionals (of whom there are more than 2 and I haven't heard them have an argument yet!).
Next on the agenda, once the plastering is finished: kitchen measure, brick cleaning, garage roller door installation, painting (look out all you volunteers .... and no ignoring my calls when i ring you!!!) and door frames. We've decided to go with a split jamb system which looks much simpler to install than doing it all from scratch (thanks BMU for the tip!). Ma & I drove to Dandenong the other day to check them out, Bikeman will be very pleased with the minimal fuss required to put together. Not that he can't do it, of course. It will save HEAPS of time.
Next choices to make: colours for painting and then the type of doors. I had chosen a door that I liked but it only comes in a woodgrain finish, which I think won't work as well in our house. Will keep looking....
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
A ceiling (or is it a roof....???)
We have a ceiling! The 'plasterers who don't like to talk much' have done a great job and the massive ceiling we now own is nearly complete. The rumpus room still has to be done, as does the cathedral ceiling and the garage. And the most exciting part... one of the rooms has been plastered! Which one I hear you ask.... the main boudoir!
It was so cool to go in there with all the walls done. Gave a real sense of what the room will be like. I admit it, I did the excited dance. The kids thought it was hilarious!
There was a big stack of plaster just waiting to be put up on the walls in the next couple of days. And some more insulation, this time in the butlers pantry (for the walls).
Some photos (a little 'flashed' out, it was starting to get dark so had to use the flash)....
The hallway, looking toward Pink's room
In the study, looking back towards the theatre room.

Monday, August 10, 2009
More plastering
Well the plasterers were there today ... when I popped in to check and see if there were any questions at 1 they were finished the roof from the back of the house to the theatre room/toilet. The three young lads doing the plastering weren't all that talkative, but hey looked like they were doing a good job so probably talking is overrated. Ha!
The stilt man was there again so probably he was afraid I'd snap some more papparazzi shots so he was avoiding all eye contact.
Will post more photos in a couple of days when you can see real progress.
Friday, August 7, 2009
We have clouds in our ceiling!
Bikeman came home after visiting the house yesterday, very excited that we have 'clouds in our ceiling'. They had finished all of the roof insulation of the back half of the house by last night, and this morning when I was there they were finishing the bracing. Had hit a minor snag though, in that they thought the ceilings were only 3m but they were 3.2 or 3.6 or something and as a result they needed to wait until next week until they had scaffolding for the higher area.
Here is the view down the hallway to Zali's room (excuse the dodgy pics, taken from my mobile. Will take proper camera up tomorrow so will have some better ones by the end of the weekend).
The plasterers were wobbling around on these cool stilt things to put up the insulation and metal battens. Bikeman was a little sad that he wasn't doing the plastering, I think for this reason alone. He would have liked to have a go on the stilts!!! Plastering man begrudgingly posed for the photo. I think he thought I was a nutter.
Tomorrow we're going to be finishing the external doors (laundry and garage) and putting on all the door fittings for them. If time we'll also start on the eaves, putting up noggins and getting them ready for plaster. And then having a break in the evening, the boys are off to the footy and I'm off to Mrs R's for a quiet wine or three. Can't wait!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Plastering underway, check!
The plasterers arrived today .... woooooo hooooo! As you can see from the photos, there was a whole lotta insulation and plaster being delivered. Look carefully in the rumpus room windows, you'll see it goes right to the top of the rumpus room. I think that is for the whole house, but the plaster you'll see is only for the roof. By the end of the day they had most of the metal roof battens on, and insulation to the back half of the house. Bikeman thinks it's warmer already!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
The Mad Rush
Look out house, here we come...
Pink the professional cleaner .... all ready to blow that dust right out of the house! I spent 3 hours blowing the dust out while she was at kindy, then picked her up and did another couple of hours with her assistance .... great little helper she is.
Well the last week have been a bit of a blur - plasterer confirmed for Tuesday so it was go, go, go to get things finished before he arrived. We still had to put all the cabling in the walls/roof for TV, HDMI, speakers, telephone etc, and Bikeman had some more noggins to put in as well as finishing cavity sliders (and probably other stuff that I didn't even know about/remember). And BMU was having trouble getting onsite. And to make matters worse when BMU did arrive he advised Bikeman that there were all these noggin-type things that had to go in the roof ready for the plasterers, for their ceiling battens to affix to. Something to do with making the lines run the same way in the roof. So he set to it and because it's such a bloody big house it took AGES! Plus he had to run noggins on the floor for the plaster to affix to, where there was the drop to the lower level. So plenty of opportunity to use his nail gun.
Pink and I having a bite to eat before starting the hard work. Pink's favourite at the moment is 3 party pies from the local bakery. Oh, and a shortbread man with smartie buttons. She was most impressed with my ability to build an inpromtu seat for her to sit on! If only everyone was as easy to impress as a 4 year old.
Our bath has a hob! Not quite ready to be in for good, still needs to have the plumbing finished then we will pack with insulation so that it stays nice and warm when the kiddies are having their bath. It also needs Villawood (waterproof cement sheeting) to be installed on the sides, that will be done sometime soon. Bath just fits (phew!).

Bikeman's latest brainwave... a cupboard between the theatre room and the study, so that the DVD player, playstation, etc etc can be closed away in the cupboard when not in use. Will have a cabinet custom made that is accessible from the study as well and can allow good ventilation. Cables all in - speaker, coaxial, HDMI, telephone.

So that was all finished and then last night BMU came to help with the last little bit. Which took til 7.30pm, with the kids in the car playing (they were sooooo good) and BMU and Bikeman working like madman (Bikeman was literally RUNNING from room to room) and the light of one measly spotlight, I swept all the sawdust up for about 3 hours. In the partial light, hoping that we got most of it and trying to stay out of the boys way when they were shooting and cutting.
Bikeman then headed back up there this morning to finish a couple of last minute things and meet the plasterer. He arrived at 7am, and put some sisalation over the triangle shaped window above the front entrance door to stop the rain from getting in, put up the 12volt cable we didn't get to on the weekend (for the sensor in the pump to tell it to stop pumping to the rainwater tank when it is full) and some more nogginy things. And he dropped his gun (eeep! - think it's ok though). And did the plasterer show? Noooooooo.
Phoned the plasterer and he advised he was still waiting on insulation batts, there had been a backlog. Hoped to have them delivered Wed, and should be onsite by end of week. Grrrr! So all that rushing and stressing for nothing. Ah well, at least it is done now.
Huge big thanks to Pops and Stevie B for all their help over the weekend. We absolutely couldn't have done it without you and we appreciate the time you gave up to help us out.
Over and out for now. Hopefully the next photos will be plaster photos ...... how beciting!
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