Monday, July 27, 2009
Sliding door cavities
Bikeman started installing the sliding door cavities over the weekend, and they look great! He got to try out his new nail gun (which even BMU (the chippy) was pretty impressed about) and although it was cold, and he was knackered at the end of the day, he was rightfully proud about how well he was doing installing them himself. As for me ... well Pink had a birthday party to go to so Blue went and 'helped' (in other words sat in the car playing DS) Bikeman at the house. BM has installed 7 of the 11 sliding door cavities in total, not bad for a days work!
Have decided to have the plastering done by a professional, we simply don't have the time to be able to committ to getting it done in a timely manner. Plus we might very well kill each other working in such close proximity on a very important project! So best it be taken out of our hands and finished with quickly. So hopefully they'll be in in the next couple of weeks. BMU will be in ensuring the walls are all square in the next weeks and hopefully so will the brick cleaners.
It's all happening! Next goal: Plaster. Oh and $$ from the bank, that would be nice.... soooooon!
Comments not working?
I've been suspicious that perhaps the comments function is not working, confirmed last week by Indecisive who has tried to post a couple of times unsuccessfully.
I've played around with the settings a little - please try and comment to see if it works? If not please send me an email to let me know... ta muchly!
Monday, July 20, 2009
The house made of bricks
It's done! We have bricks :) ... and they look great. The brickies finished last Thursday and we are really happy with the result.
The front of the house ... from left to right, garage opening, front door and 2 front windows.
View from standing at the alfresco, looking back towards the street. The window is the main dining room window to the side.
Standing at the front of the block, looking back towards the dining room. Sliding door to rumpus on left.
The kids and cousins playing in the 'pool'! Gumboots are a wonderful invention... Looking at the study and Blue's windows.
Looking at the alfresco area and sliding door to the living room. I don't think I've ever taken so much notice of window sills in my life!
Next... Chippy 'Beam me up' and Bikeman will be squaring up the frame on Friday (well actually BMU will be and Bikeman will be installing the sliding door furniture) for all the sliding doors in the place. Bank should be out sometime this week to do the lockup valuation, we spent the weekend nailing up masonry board on the front door (so our beautiful front door doesn't get damaged or pinched) - thanks to Bikemans new toy (the golden nail gun ... is it really gold plated??).
Completed .... We installed the laundry door which looks fabulous. Garage entry door painted up and ready to be screwed on. (Pictures to follow later). Had to plane the laundry door a little as it didn't quite fit, borrowed Pop's electric planer wooo hoooo if I was a carpenter I'd want me one of those babies. Did a great job of planing it without looking like a hack job - very professional. I can tell you I was pleased that we ran out of time to stain the door before installing it - that would have been a waste as we needed to plane it! Also the electrician was in last week doing the roughing in. They got up to 1.4km of electrical wire then stopped counting (but kept installing). Geeeeeez! Yes we know everyone, it's a bloody big house!!
Stay tuned for 'Days of the House' for more stories..... real live reality blogging!
Oh and please.... if anyone would like to become a follower of my blog please do so. There's a little section over to the right. I added this 'gadget' the other day and I'm feeling a little unloved as it looks like we don't have any friends!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Actual bricking pics!
Well the bricks are well on the way and looking great! We're probably about 3/4 the way through the bricks now, however have been hampered by wet weather over the weekend and today. So will have to be patient!!! Sparky was in today, roughing in, looks like he has nearly completed that part which is great. Moving along nicely..... now to get to lock up! Not that far away now...
Bricks looking good.... from the soil heap at the back.
Down the side with the laundry door, you can see our ensuite bathroom window on the RHS.

Saturday, July 11, 2009
Updated Bricking Pics....
Sorry, that was a trick. There aren't any at the moment! As in, I left my phone at my mum's place which has current photos on it. So tomorrow! But rest assured, the bricks look BRILLIANT! The brickies have finised down to the alfresco area, with just the wrap around the dining room and the front to go. Luckily for us we had excellent weather last week so they were able to work solidly for most of the week, which was great.
Today Bikeman and I played site cleaner. We dug into the pile of rubbish and cleared out all the tin from the other stuff, and took a load to the transfer station (these are free - learn something every day!). We also took most of the rubbish as well, it took ages to bag it up but it is so worth it in the end, the site looks much cleaner. And it was sooooo windy today - best to get rid of all that rubbish before it all blew around all over the place. It was raining a lot too, so by the time we finished we were muddy and wet and altogether homeless-looking, but it was actually fun (I think I'm going slightly mad!!).
We are nearly at lockup - have decided to board up the front area where the door will go, as we still have some prep work to do before the front door is ready, and we don't want it stolen/damaged either. Also Bikeman and Beam Me Up (the chippy) have some work to do creating a frame for the triangle above the front door so we can order the glass for that too. Other than that, (and of course the bricking being finished!) we just have to install the garage side door and the laundry door and we're at lockup! So a couple of weeks, methinks. Woohoo! Sparky is in next week to rough in, so we've been looking at the electrical plan and making sure we have enough power points etc. Fun fun fun! Oh and we've pretty much decided on colours - will upload in another post. Kitchen colours that is, then the rest of the house follows from there.
Stay tuned, photos to follow in next couple of days....
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Bricking progress pics

Took the kids out for a look today, they were very interested in what the brickies were doing. They thought the cement mixer was particularly cool! Apparently the weather is going to go downhill by the end of the week, so they are keen to get through as much as they can while the sun is shining (which it has been the last 2 days!). It has been freezing cold in the mornings though, I don't know how they do it! I like my nice warm bed first thing in the morning, I'm soooo not a morning person.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Build it up, up up, build it higher, build it up up up up up up to the sky.......

We have bricks! Beautiful, double height bricks that just look perfect. Can't wait til they are all the way around the house. So far the brickies have started on the dead side of the house, down past the garage and our bedroom and laundry. But it still look sooooo good! Brickies should be back on site Monday so I guess over the next week or so it will be complete - and then we'll be at lockup!
Oh and I just love the roof. I feel like I'm starring in a Colourbond Roof ad, I keep standing and staring at it will such admiration... it looks perfect.
All systems go for this week, after so long waiting now it seems like it is going really fast! Doo Bah, you'd better get your cleaning gloves ready I don't think there's any way you're going to beat us in the house building race - and it's going to be one hell of a housewarming party!!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
The mess that winter causes...
We had the bricks delivered yesterday (Wed) and boy did his little forklift thingy make a mess! Driving from the back of the block down to where the land falls away a little bit and placing the bricks where the pool will be - mud EVERYWHERE! And I literally couldn't watch - I was sure the whole thing was going to tip over OR get bogged OR he was going to run into the alfresco bricked up post - it was giving me heart failure so I decided to clean up instead.
In my cleaning up it looked like there was water coming from the pipes in the kids toilet, the bathroom and the laundry (it was kind of pooled around the pipes -wanted to make sure it wasn't the roof!). Bikeman confirmed with the plumber that they were doing a pressure test and did an o-ring. So all ok.
Anyway, brick delivery all done, no crashes/bogging but mud and chopped up ground everywhere. And someone had taken it upon themselves the day prior to wire tie the back gate - hmph how rude! And not just a single piece of wire bent around the top a little bit, 3 strong well-tied bits of wire that I couldn't have opened without pliers. Not sure it is in the neighbours of the empty block or someone else. If it is the neighbours, they must think that the gate is on their property due to where our temporary fence is - but no, our property goes to about 2/3 across the gate face, so most of the gate is actually ours.
Anyway, no doubt the chopping up done by the brick delivery isn't filling whomever it may be with joy. Tough! That's building. Will just have to wait and see what happens, in 'Days of the Block'..... stay tuned for next time.
Oh yes and the brickie was onsite starting the bricking up today. Yee-har!
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