We have a fully wrapped, green abode! Roof is finished and wrapping completed on Sunday, which was fantastic.

And don't be fooled, no we don't have any of those builders helping us out on our project as per the sisalation... remember that bargain we got from ebay.... well must be some left over from other projects, (we hope!).
Even one of the brickies was out Saturday morning, setting the bricks up ready for the brickies to arrive with gusto on Wednesday. He was probably a bit bummed that the Griswalds turned up, kids in tow, while he was trying to get a bit of quiet work done. Then they started yelling at each other about where to nail the sisalation first... tsk tsk!
So, bricks should be started Wed (weather permitting - looking at those cyclone force storms in perth today and thinking .... err maybe not!!) and will probably take a good week or so. And then we shall be nearly at lockup. Who'd have thought!