The concreter (El Guapo) and crew have been working hard today boxing up the front lower area ready to pour the concrete. The piers have magically shrunk into little circles of concrete, just peeping above the crushed rock placed to make a beautiful flat surface. About half is boxed with the rocks down ready to pour the concrete. El Guapo will be back on site tomorrow to box out the rest of the slab, ready for the first pour of concrete on Thursday!
We had another win today - with Bikeman and the blue one bidding successfully via Grays Online on a frameless shower screen. $373, which is $227 under budget. Bring on more savings! Blue was particularly excited, telling his sister that 'we won a shower, we won a shower!' which was very cute. We have another bid out now on the other shower, so fingers crossed!
On a more sour note, the plumber has had a problem tapping our water out the front. He's dug out where the water co told him to, no luck. Water co came out to mark exactly where tapping was located, so he dug directly down from there, no luck. So now it is up to the water co to come out and find it and fix it - goodness knows how long that might take! Thankfully our lovely neighbours have allowed us to use some more of their water, until it is all sorted. The neighbours also remember having a similar problem with their tapping, it was going to end up right in the middle of the driveway - so they had theirs moved. I'm thinking we'll probably end up in the same predicament! Anyway time will tell...
And if you squint into the background you can see that the retaining wall is all but completed! Capping stones just have to be bon-creted on, which will happen later. Plans are to put a tarp or some other plastic over the retaining wall to protect it during the building process. Moving up, up, up, up.....